Friday, December 12, 2008

Just Another Day

Seija wanted me to update this last night, but I kinda forgot so...yeah. x-x;

In case you don't read Seija's blog, I fixed a code a couple days ago at...two in the morning or something. It was pretty awesome. It was Ross' Money Hack code for PB and it adds a little "Money: xx" thing to the user's profile { though Seija uses "Points" }. Well that's all fine and dandy except Seija has a code on ED that forces all the text to be size 1...the code forces that little Points thing to be size 2; a small annoyance, but an annoyance none the less. So I sat there fiddling and editing untill all of a sudden I came across a little line that I hadn't noticed before. Took me a minute, but then I figured out that it was the part of the code that actually adds the Points into the user's profile. Changed the 2 to a 1 and boom! Instant workage. I seriously screamed, "Yes!" ...Think it scared some people. xD

But, anyway, on to today. I've got mixed feelings about today I guess. Started off pretty shitty 'cause...well, let's just say I didn't have the best night last night. Why? Let's not go into that. But then it got better when I got to school and my design teacher gave me an A, so yay! Four of my five classes have ended in an A. Just waiting on the fifth class to have the final test graded, but I'm pretty sure I'll be gettin' an A in there too, which is good 'cause it'll make getting scholarships easier. But then it started sucking again when I got one text saying grain and bedding are coming in today and another asking me to feed tonight. x-x *headdesk* But then it got better again when meh Tet-Tet woke up.

I've been fighting with GIMP a lot lately. Mostly because of ZK's skin. Never. Ever. Ever. Will ZK or NoTE or any of my sites have arcs and/or half circles. I've almost got it figured out though.... Almost.... ED's Christmas skin is being a pain in the ass too. You'd think that a tri-image code for the main page boards would be compatable with one for the sub-boards, but nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. They screw each other up. So ED will probably end up with awesome main page boards and normal looking sub-boards. *mutters* Haven't even started on NoTE's skin. It'll probably be fall or firy colors. Not for certain though. I do, however, have most of CL's skin planned out right down to the buttons. >3 Unless you are that one uber lucky person that already knows what CL is, yall will have to wait until sometime in June before you can see that site. *grins* Twill pwn your arses. I already have some people in mind for staff...they just don't know it yet, except for that one uberly awesome person, he knows. ;3

Whelp, I better be off to work now. If you're on ZK then get on there and post in the activity check I'm about ready to put up. >K

1 comment:

Seija-chan said...

So yeah .. you figured out the one thing ... well check out the Info Center now .. ;D I got the alignment fixed -- with help of Triad on PBSupport